This section of our Library contains miscellaneous bits and bobs, lots of generic EEC information and various notes.

Reference Material

DIS%20info%20and%20diagrams.pdfInformation about the DIS ignition system used in US Fords. Similar to that embedded in the EF 6 Cyl, and AU 6 Cyl and V8.
Ford-ECU-Catch-Codes.xlsList of Australian ECU catch codes.
Ford_EECIV.pptInformation about the US Ford EEC-IV.
GM MAP Voltage.jpgGM Map Sensor voltage transfer.
MAF Sensor Info.txtFord MAF sensor info.
OMVL_R89_R90_IT_GBbassa.pdfOMVL LPG converter info.
TMAPTransferFunctions_html_m67fab46.jpgAU TMAP transfer functions.
TweecerDefs.111804.xlsTweecer info.
eec codes.txtEEC catch codes.
eectch98.pdfTom Cloud architecture document on the EEC-IV. Highly recommended read.
ef_eecv_905_125.xlsEF ECU Pinout.
efvau_ecu_116.xlsEF-AU ECU Pinout Comparison.
first_hack_notes.xlsBasic info on the EF EEC.
ford_temp_sensor_settings.txtFord Temp Sender transfers.
map_config.txtMap sensor configuration info.
map_sensor.jpgGM MAP sensor info.
map_sensor_ford.gifFord MAP sensor info.
pic233.jpgEF ECU Pinout info.
tickford_lpg_wiring_diagram.jpgWiring diagram for Tickford LPG system.
The Illustrated Guide to AU & B-Series I6 TMAP SensorsGuide that explains the difference between AU1, AU2 and BA Turbo MAP sensors, including wiring pinouts etc.
EF 6cyl vs EF 8cyl vs EL 8cyl.xlsxA reference created by Matt Partridge that lists the EF 6cyl, EF 8cyl and EL 8cyl 5.0L ECU pinouts to allow easy comparison.
PCM Pro Boss GT-40 Service Manual.pdfReference guide for the PCM (Pleasure Craft Marine) Pro Boss GT-40 Marine Engine. Known by catch codes E230, E290, and 300M.